Winterwonderland in the making
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Winterwonderland in the making

In this blogpost I share with you the process of making an illustration. It all started with this picture of a mother pig feeding her piglets.

I felt I wanted to make a ‘winterwonderland’ drawing, but not a drawing you expect when thinking of winterwonderland (I would think of Christmas trees, twinkling stars, reindeers, red noses and snow and such. You?) In my drawing I honor this intelligent and loving creature and place it in a natural environment. Yeah, I know, putting clothes on a pig is not natural, but hey, use your imagination ;). As a person who only eats plant based food, I see animals as our fellow earthlings. And I think they deserve our respect and care, like we take care of our fellow humans. Let us take care of the animals we’re surrounded by. Let them be in their natural habitat and let them relax with their offspring. I try to depict that idea in this illustration, one with a message. I hope it touches you and that you consider this thought when doing your shopping for Christmas. I do not want to bug you, but just give you something to chew on. With love, Leonie.

PS. If you subscribe to my newsletter (which is occasional and non-annoying, I promise!) via the subscribe-tab on the left of my website, I’ll will send you a link to this full illustration. You can download it and use it as a wallpaper on your phone or print it. Love to hear from you!

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