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Recipe for yellow

De afgelopen maand zag mijn bureau geel, niet alleen door het zonnetje dat naar binnen scheen, maar ook door het thema van deze ‘Zusterhood’-maand: ‘Recept voor geel’.

Over the past month, my desk was yellow, not just because of the sunlight through the window, but also because of the theme of this ‘Sisterhood’ month, being ‘Recipe for yellow’.


Zusterhood in Paradise

Als je aan ‘paradijs’ denkt, waar denk je dan aan? Wat is paradijs voor jou? Deze vragen houden me bezig tijdens een kunstproject waar ik aan deelneem.

When you think of ‘paradise’, what do you think of? What is paradise to you? These questions pop in my head while working on an art project in which I participate.


Let’s go outside!

What a full summer it was, I can barely remember the beginning of it, way back in June. With September on a roll, we’re spinning on the rhythm of school or work and autumn shows us it’s on its way.


Enjoy where you are now!

What a great five weeks it has been! I have been following the MATS e-course ‘Illustrating Childrens Books’ and it feels sad to have submitted my final assignment for the course last Sunday. I wish it would last for another 5 weeks.


Illustrations for sale

Yesterday morning, I didn’t just grab my bag with my laptop, sketchbook and other work supplies, but also a hammer, nails, a level and tapeline.