Everything that is being put in motion, moves forward. Every movement gives birth to a change. Even when it looks like you are doing nothing (no-thing), you're doing something. It is impossible to do nothing. Just by being, you set something in motion. Everything influences everything.
illustration, water color, woman, tree, full moon, influence, butterfly, butterfly effect
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‘I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.’

Mother Theresa

A new full moon is a new ‘full’ blog :)!


Everything that is being put in motion, moves forward. Every movement gives birth to a change. Even when it looks like you are doing nothing (no-thing), you’re doing something. It is impossible to do nothing. Just by being, you set something in motion. Everything influences everything.

Maybe you have heard of the butterfly effect? This theory tells the story about how minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly influences a chain reaction of unforeseen consequences and even months after can cause something gigantic as a tornado. The idea that small causes may have large effects in general, shows us that what we think, say or do has an impact, however big or small.

This text (in Dutch) continues in Rosalie’s blog on her website. Her text inspired me to make this illustration. I hope both the words and the drawing will inspire you as well.


Project Circles is a co-creation of Rosalie Heefer and Leonie Verbrugge.

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