Perfect Day
Hi there! Today, Tuesday July 16th, the moon is at her fullest at exactly 22:56 h. Time for a new blog together with Rosalie from ZieCoaching. The theme I chose for the illustration is 'harvest'. When we look at the Wheel of the Year the first of August is the moment to reap and celebrate. 
full moon, harvest, spirit, drawing, illustration, gouache, summer, self love, compassion, acceptance, awareness, gratitude
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'You're going to reap just what you sow' – Lou Reed — Perfect Day

Klik op de afbeelding en download de illustratie. Je kunt ‘m gebruiken als wallpaper op je telefoon of print de afbeelding uit en hang ‘m op. You can download this illustration for free. Just click the image below and safe it on your phone as a background.

Enjoy your summer with this song of Lou Reed!

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