November wallpaper
I took the challenge of drawing each and every day like other artists who took part in the Inktober challenge. For this new wallpaper for November I used one of the last drawings I made. All the works I drew for Inktober are black and white, I didn't use any color. So this wallpaper is a little tryout to see how color works in my black and white drawings. Hope you like it. Click on the image below to download the freebie from there.
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November wallpaper

October was a very fruitful month for me when it comes to drawing.

I took the challenge of drawing each and every day like other artists who took part in the Inktober challenge. For this new wallpaper for November I used one of the last drawings I made. All the works I drew for Inktober are black and white, I didn’t use any color. So this wallpaper is a little tryout to see how color works in my black and white drawings. Hope you like it. Click on the image below to download the freebie from there.


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