My dream for 2016
holidays, Christmas, New Year, New Years Eve, dreams, dream, illustration, illustrator, illustrate, draw, drawing, ideas, hand lettering, typography
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It would be great to give workshops to inspire people and bring them together. — My dream for 2016

Leonie Verbrugge happy holidays 1000px

I’m writing this on the shortest day of the year. Today it seemed like I woke up in the middle of the night, but it was eight o’clock in the morning, and dusk begun to fall at four o’clock in the afternoon. I always find it remarkable how we can enjoy the darker days knowing that it will become light again. First we move indoors, retreat into our homes, and then we start the New Year with new plans, perspectives and dreams.

And I certainly have a dream. I have been enjoying a workplace away of my house for a couple of months now. No more struggles with a small room in the attic at home, but a large room with a big table with enough space to do my job. Unfortunately, this is a temporary solution. I rent the space from the owner as a temporary deterrent against squatters, which will only last until May next year, and I will need to find another spot before then. Or should I move back to the attic? Uh, no!

Leonie Verbrugge in Kruisstraat Den Bosch

Yup, I can definitely picture myself working in that old classroom!

I have been looking at other workspaces and found a place to dream of on Droomstad Den Bosch is an online platform where ideas and dreams come together. A place where you can immediately and at a glance see the dreams people have for various locations in the city. I found this fantastic dream location: a former school building from 1929 in Kruisstraat. Within cycling distance of where I live. I have ‘added’ my dream to this dream location and people can now vote on it.

What is my dream exactly? Of course, I would like to do my work: illustration and book designs. I want to provide stories of myself and others with images and bring them to life. But it would also be great to give workshops to inspire people and bring them together. Such as a workshop in ‘hand lettering’ or ‘silkscreen printing’.

Do you want to help me make my dream come true? Will you vote on my dream? I would greatly appreciate it. Click here and you can instantly cast your vote. You don’t have to sign in or register. Easy-peasy!

What are your dreams, new plans and amazing prospects for 2016? I would love to hear about them! Let me know in your reply below this blog, I’d like that!

I would like to wish you a happy Christmas and a beautiful 2016!

Warm regards,


PS. My studio is closed from Wednesday 23rd December until Sunday 3th January. See you in the New Year!

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