Let it snow, let it snow…
Best wishes for 2016! I hope it will bring you lots of good and happiness. A new year, a new month and so it's time for a new wallpaper. I'm hoping for some snow to start the year with. So I thought of drawing it and than maybe we'll have a snowy January.
january, wallpaper, illustration, illustrate, illustrator, hand lettering, handwritten, typography, snow, snowy
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Let it snow, let it snow…

Best wishes for 2016! I hope it will bring you lots of good and happiness. A new year, a new month and so it’s time for a new wallpaper.

I’m hoping for some snow to start the year with. So I thought of drawing it and than maybe we’ll have a snowy January.

Click on the image below to download from there.

Leonie Verbrugge January wallpaper


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