Inspirational carousel
At the bookstore in town I bought a card display rack. It serves me as an 'inspirational carousel'. The surface of the magnetic board next to my desk wasn't big enough for all the beautiful cards and booklets I like to be surrounded with.
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Inspirational carousel


At the bookstore in town I bought a card display rack. It serves me as an ‘inspirational carousel’. The surface of the magnetic board next to my desk wasn’t big enough for all the beautiful cards and booklets I like to be surrounded with.

Even an old photo booklet with pictures of the caves of Han inspire me!

In my carousel there are illustrations and drawings from Camilla EngmanAnnelies VerbruggeYelena BryksenkovaKim WellingMirdinaraUppercaseOh Marie!, and Dottie Angel. And a booklet with a remarkable binding method from COS and a small book about beach and shorebirds. Even an old photo booklet with pictures of the caves of Han inspire me!

Do you surround yourself with inspiring images? And how? What sort of images inspire you? Please let me know, I’m a curious person :).

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