'Perfection takes time, if you rush your patience you will lose like the rabbit in the race.' While looking for an appropriate quote to go with my rabbit sketch I found this one. I try to draw every day to improve my drawing skills, but I can get impatient when I feel I am not there yet. A quote like this one shows me to take things step by step. So here's a new wallpaper for this month. Hello February!
wallpaper, illustration, illustrator, illustrate, hand lettering, hand letterer, sketch, sketching, draw, drawing
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Perfection takes time, if you rush your patience you will lose like the rabbit in the race. — February


While looking for an appropriate quote to go with my rabbit sketch I found this one. I try to draw every day to improve my drawing skills, but I can get impatient when I feel I am not there yet. A quote like this shows me to take things step by step.

So here’s a new wallpaper for this month. Hello February!

Click on the image below to download from there.

Leonie Verbrugge wallp feb 2016

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