Enjoy where you are now!
This most inspiring MATS (Make Art That Sells) course was given by Lilla Rogers, artists’ agent and Zoë Tucker, art director. In a short amount of time I have learned so much about character design, drawing expressions, handlettering, drawing environment and so on. The course takes you trough lots of very inspiring and challenging assignments, videos and encouraging sessions. It has brought me closer to where I want to be as an illustrator.
illustration, drawing, watercolor, Lilla Rogers, Make Art That Sells, online course, children's book illustration, Zoe Tucker
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Enjoy where you are now!

What a great five weeks it has been! I have been following the MATS e-course ‘Illustrating Childrens Books’ and it feels sad to have submitted my final assignment for the course last Sunday. I wish it would last for another 5 weeks.

This most inspiring MATS (Make Art That Sells) course was given by Lilla Rogers, artists’ agent and Zoë Tucker, art director. In a short amount of time I have learned so much about character design, drawing expressions, handlettering, drawing environment and so on. The course takes you trough lots of very inspiring and challenging assignments, videos and encouraging sessions. It has brought me closer to where I want to be as an illustrator.

The most important lesson in this course for me was to enjoy and celebrate the ‘now’, where I am and what I can as an illustrator. Of course you can always improve yourself, make better drawings and think that you can do better! But every fase has it’s own plusses and minusses and you just don’t know what is going to come next (thank you for these words, Lilla). I’m eager to continue my journey and explore further. Can’t wait!

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