At the beginning of this year we both felt inspired to do something together on a professional level and started to work together on an exciting year project. Keywords: seasons, phases of the moon, circles, self care, self love, spirituality, growth and transformation. For Rosalie this was given by her love, passion and craftsmanship for coaching and writing and for me through my love, passion and craftsmanship for imagery and illustration. A circle around.
the wheel of the year, spring, 21st of March, circles, inspiration, feeling, year around, full moon, super moon, blackbird, butterfly, beatle, in bloom, blossom, a new start, a new morning, Ostara, spring equinox
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I am soft. I am pink.

At first I was just a little seed.

My roots feeded me and the sun gave me her loving warmth.

Slowly I grew a little bigger and a little stronger, day by day.

Then one day my shell became too tight.

It felt as if I could hardly breathe any longer.

Just as I felt I could no longer hold on, my shell broke free.

Suddenly, there was this soft pink light surrounding me.

That light, it came from the inside of me.

Carefully I began to unwrap the layers of my self, one by one.

First the tough ones on top,

then the softer ones in the middle,

and finally I gently unfolded the most vulnerable ones on the inside,

covering my heart.

With every layer I became more aware of who I really am.

And what it is that I am here for.

It is, so I can shine my light.

Sing my own precious song.

The light of my heart, shines for you.

So it can warm and sooth you, just like the sun once did for me.

This is the circle of life.

It is only when we let go of what’s holding us back,

that we get to reach our true destination.

To be exactly who and what we are meant to be.

I am soft, I am pink, I am light and I am love.


Rosalie Heefer (text)

Leonie Verbrugge (illustration)


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