Blue Monday
Hi there, just a short blogpost about my latest contribution to Zusterhood (Sisterhood), a snail mail community for women in art.  In Sisterhood every two months, a 'sister' is linked to another 'sister' from the collective, with whom you exchange a theme letter. This months theme was Blue Monday. A theme in which I recognize myself quite well.
art, illustration, gouache, snail mail, community, art collective, ego vs source
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Blue Monday

Hi there, just a short blogpost about my latest contribution to Zusterhood (Sisterhood), a snail mail community for women in art.

In Sisterhood every two months, a ‘sister’ is linked to another ‘sister’ from the collective, with whom you exchange a theme letter. This months theme was Blue Monday. A theme in which I recognize myself quite well.

I wrote about this sometimes harsh voice you can hear inside yourself. A voice that tells you that you don’t do enough, you’re not good enough, you should to this and that. Your ego so to say, who loves Blue Mondays and is a hard thing to quiet.

Then I wrote about this soft voice, in the silence. A voice you can hear when you are quiet and when you’ve put your ego in the backseat. You’ve taken over control and you can finally listen to this voice. Maybe it’s your source. It sounds like a sweet friend who takes you as you are and tells you that you can go outside and have a cup of tea in the sun, instead of proceeding your TO DO-list. It tells you to take a walk in the woods and listen to the wind in the trees. It shows you that you can give your worries to flow of the stream and that everything is in its place and time. That’s, in short, what I’ve tried to depict when I made this little box for my sister. I hope she’ll like it and she’ll hear the soft voice. Ssh…

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