Being a mountaineer
This is a drawing I made during the online course Illustrating Children's Books of Make Art That Sells by Lilla Rogers. I have so much fun in this course and it challenges me a lot.
illustration, drawing, watercolor, Lilla Rogers, Make Art That Sells, online course, children's book illustration
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Being a mountaineer

Is it February already? How January went by so quick! Well, here’s a free new wallpaper to put on your phone.

This is a drawing I made during the online course Illustrating Children’s Books of Make Art That Sells by Lilla Rogers. I have so much fun in this course and it challenges me a lot. The story I chose is about a girl who has set her sights on being a mountaineer and will be the first woman ever to climb Mount Everest. Junko Tabei was her name.

Click on the image below to download from there.

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