And the winners are…
Well, today is the day that I will announce the winners of the October give away. It wasn't that hard to pick the lucky ones.
give away, anniversary, illustration, illustrator, frame, girl, woman, people drawing
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And the winners are…

Well, today is the day that I will announce the winners of the October give away. It wasn’t that hard to pick the lucky ones.

I have had three (yes!) lovely comments on the blog, so I decided not to pick just two of you. But that you’re all winners, all three. So Ank, Maartje and Mieke congrats!

  • Ank

    13 november 2015 at 11:43 Beantwoorden

    Wanna show some legs! Love it! Superleuk. ?

    • Leonie

      13 november 2015 at 11:49 Beantwoorden

      Yeah! Gefeliciteerd Ank, binnenkort hangen deze mooie benen aan jouw muur!

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