A Verbrugge and Kroost design… bearded men
The third and latest picture in our project of combining photography and illustration is also a portrait. A sweet little girl standing in front of a pastel coloured background holding a funny black moustache.
illustration, illustrator, illustrate, collage, illustratie, illustreren, embroidery, borduren, craft, photography, fotografie, portret, portrait
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A Verbrugge and Kroost design… bearded men

The third and latest picture in our project of combining photography and illustration is also a portrait. A sweet little girl standing in front of a pastel coloured background holding a funny black moustache. The contrast of the girl’s innocence and the moustache intrigued me and so I wanted to develop this idea further.



In the picture’s background you can see a diamond shape patterned wallpaper. I decided to continue this pattern on the girl’s dress after having cut out the original one. Then I embroidered a wide range of moustaches and beards. I did not cut off the threads but just let them hang, so the picture would get a more edgy touch.

Our disciplines, photography and illustration, can supplement, enrich but also alienate each other

The moustache the girl is holding gave me the idea and the rest came naturally. A contrast of soft versus hard. Love and anger. Young and old, men versus women and good versus evil. The sweet picture of Irma challenged me to do something that might be a little shocking. Through my bearded men the picture gets a total different meaning and the photo becomes secondary to the illustration.

After three experiments we see that our disciplines, photography and illustration, can supplement, enrich but also alienate each other. As said before, in the near future we want to figure out what we can do with this new approach. We want to tap into a new market and develop works that combine photography and illustration and eventually publish and sell our art.

Please tell us what you think of the three images we have shown over the past few weeks. We really appreciate your comments.

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