A seed once sown…
Two weeks ago I visited the botanical garden of the University of Utrecht. Wow, what an explosion of colour, fragrance and structures, I was overwhelmed by it. I decided to use this source of inspiration for a new drawing and made it into a free wallpaper for you. The quote 'The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies' by Gertrude Jekyll (an influential British horticulturist, garden designer, artist and writer) seems appropriate to me.
illustration, drawing, colored pencil, botanical garden, roses, Gertrude Jekyll, illustrator
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A seed once sown…

Two weeks ago I visited the botanical garden of the University of Utrecht. Wow, what an explosion of colour, fragrance and structures, I was overwhelmed by it.

I decided to use this source of inspiration for a new drawing and made it into a free wallpaper for you. The quote ‘The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies’ by Gertrude Jekyll (an influential British horticulturist, garden designer, artist and writer) seems appropriate to me. Don’t you think so?

Click the image below to download it from there.


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